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Get Better Posture With These Beneficial Lifestyle Changes

Get Better Posture With These Beneficial Lifestyle Changes

How do you improve your posture when your job requires you to sit for much of the day? How
can you create better daily habits for your spine health?

There are actually several simple things you can do for better posture, and the benefits are
numerous. Not only will it reduce back, neck, and shoulder pain, but it can also help you breathe
more easily by opening up the sternum and can even improve your focus. It’s helpful to create a
plan of sorts; think about changes you can make to both your habits and your furniture that will
allow you to maintain better posture. Taking advantage of a local spa or massage services can
also be helpful; take a look at Kneading You Massage to get an idea of the types of relaxing
services that are available.

Read on for more tips and info about improving your posture:

Stand tall and build confidence
It’s easy to overlook your posture when you’re standing up, but if you consciously try to focus
on it, you may find that you’re slumping forward far more than you realized. Standing tall opens
up your chest, aligns your hips and shoulders for more even weight distribution, and keeps your
spine in a neutral position, all of which minimizes pressure on your joints and muscles. Not only
are these physical benefits important, but standing straight and tall can also boost your
confidence, especially at work or in social situations. Need proof that posture matters? There’s
an entire website dedicated to celebrity heights! Click here to see more about celeb statistics, and keep in mind that you can maximize your height by improving your posture.

Reduce stress and overhaul your home office
Building confidence can have a positive effect on your stress levels, but there are other things
you can do to relax a little more, such as giving yourself a stellar home office with a supportive
chair and a footrest, which provides numerous physical advantages. When you’re comfortable,
you can focus more easily on the tasks at hand and keep stress at bay at the same time, which in turn helps to reduce chronic pain and makes it easier to focus on your posture. Make sure your
home office includes comfortable lighting and a simple but effective storage system so you can
always access important files while keeping clutter to a minimum–another easy way to keep
stress from creeping in.

Assess your bedding
Making changes around your home can have a surprising effect on your ability to maintain good
posture, and that includes your bedding. Your pillows and mattress are crucial aspects of your
spine health, so if you’ve had yours for a while, it may be time to upgrade. Take a look in-store
at your mattress options and choose one that meets your specific needs; if you share a bed, you
might consider one that allows both you and your partner to choose the firmness of each side.
When you’re able to sleep with your neck and spine aligned correctly, you’ll wake up feeling
more rested, and good posture will be much easier to achieve.

Utilize a back pillow for driving

Most vehicle seats aren’t made for maximum back support, which means most of us tend to
slump forward a bit while driving. You can minimize those effects by using a small lumbar
pillow for more support in the driver’s seat, which will help you sit up a bit straighter. Not only
will this improve your posture, it will help your seat belt achieve a better fit and keep you safer
on the road.

Improving your posture may seem a bit challenging at first, but the more you practice sitting and
standing up straight, the easier it will become. Overhaul your home office, reduce stress, and
stand tall to get the most benefits for your health and well-being.

Have a question about the services provided at Kneading You Massage? Contact Jill today to
learn more.

By: Christian Gibbs

Photo via Pexels